
In a MITK based application, I have a simple QmitkStdMultiWidget and a Load
File button (which loads an image using QmitkIOUtil::Load).

By loading (for example) a MRI and having the axial, saggital and coronal
views initialized, the mouse wheel event does not work as in the workbench
to move the image between slices... It seems it is jumping slices by 2.
Where do I have to orient my search to the solution?? I tried to access the
SliceNavigationController of my QmitkStdMultiWidget and studied its
functions but I didn't find a solution. It is taking the Geometry3D
correctly, the size of the stack coincide with the one in MITK... Should I
compulsory use an Image Navigator widget?
Any orientation would be helpful!

Thank you very much in advance,
Best Regards,



Rocío López Velazco

*SimbioSYS** group, BCN MedTech*

*UniversityPompeu Fabra*

*Department of Information and Communication Technologies Roc Boronat, 122
(Tànger Building),  08018 Barcelona                    Office 55 119
https://bcn-medtech.upf.edu/ <https://bcn-medtech.upf.edu/>*
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