
I have a (rendering) problem when adding a DataNode which contains a
PointSet into a different Data Storage. It is a very simple scenario:

The UI are two 3D render windows, each one with one Data Storage.
1) I create a pointset and add points into it. [image: image.png]
2) I create its corresponding Data Node and add it to the Data storage in
order to see it in the render window 1. [image: image.png]
3) I add this data node into the second data storage in order to see it in
the render window 2, BUT just in this moment the render crashes.[image:

Can it be related with the pointsetInteractor? I think it shouldn't be a

Any help with this would be awesome since I am using a lot of PointSets in
my app....
This didn't happened with last mitk version 2016. Could someone please
check  this problem with last release?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,



Rocío López Velazco

*SimbioSYS** group, BCN MedTech*

*UniversityPompeu Fabra*

*Department of Information and Communication Technologies Roc Boronat, 122
(Tànger Building),  08018 Barcelona                    Office 55 119
https://bcn-medtech.upf.edu/ <https://bcn-medtech.upf.edu/>*
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