On 18.11.2013 16:24, Owen Williams wrote:
> Personally I don't think there should be any requirement for free/CC
> music.  It seems like a distraction.  I think the focus should be on
> Mixxx as an awesome DJ platform, not on Mixxx as a piece of free
> software.
> By the way, what are the criteria for choosing a winner?
> owen
I thought it would be something like this:

     1# Use of Mixxx features. Everyone can use sync but there is lot 
more if someone could tell how he made.. it's good
     2# Technical side of mix. If beats are not in sync and you are 
trying.. it won't sound very good
     3# Artistic side of mix. Do you just plainly mix everything up (It 
can be just marvelous) or do you use smash ups, effects, etc.
     4# Songs. If you just play whole 30 mins same artist it won't be 
very good but this one should be least what are looked for

I think if we get more than 5 mix (hopefully) we should pre-listen and 
bring max five to vote for people (because we should also let community 
vote) because it there is something like 20 first 5 is listened and 
other are just ignored. Every mix that is send to contents should be 
listenable for audience at the end.. But I thing five we like most 
should be what they vote for.
Then do anyone know any known DJ to become protector for this Mixxx 
happening and if we could get some exclusive known artist track to 
include mixxxes it would be also nice..

So smash those criterias up like in mix and tell what should they be,

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