On Wed, 2013-11-27 at 20:26 +0200, Tuukka Pasanen wrote:
> > Can we also have jenkins build and run the test-suite automatically on
> > every push to the master branch? That way it would be easier to detect
> > accidental regressions.

> Hello,
> We are using buildbot and it's much more simpler to setup than
> Jenkins. Jenkins is swiss army knife I know but it's too husstle to
> setup (Or is it simpler now a days?). Should we also have builds for
> Windows (MinGW) and Linux (Mac should be nice but it is so hard to
> cross compile on Linux) every commit so we can get wider audience to
> test?

rryan is in charge of the build-server if he decides to change to
buildbot or something else it's up to him. The current setup build mixxx
on mac OS, windows, linux each on a separate virtual machine. I'm not
sure if we are gaining something by switching to cross compiles from

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