There is really no way to port this. It is the configuration file for `clang-format` a separate program. Since I only use emacs I don't know how to best use it in other editors.

you can find more information here

Just try to google clang-format + your favorite editor


You can also always use it from the CLI

    clang-format -i [file1 ... ]

I missed some indentation settings in the yesterday. Attached is an updated file.

best Max

On 06/07/2015 11:18 AM, Tuukka Pasanen wrote:
Can you port this to astyle because not everyone are using Emacs or
something silmilar for more convient use.


2015-06-06 21:43 GMT+03:00 Max Linke <>:

We had some recurring discussions in the PR about coding style. I have
recently started to rely on clang-format with a set of predefined rules. My
emacs is configured to apply this always before I save a file. I personally
find that really nice and relaxing, I don't need to format my code manually
anymore and every time I touch a file it automatically looks nice.

I attached the clang-format file I use for mixxx. It is based on the Google
style with our indentation rules.

This would also help in a PR because we can just point them to clang-format.

I don't have experience with other editors besides emacs but I guess it
should be also possible in a something like vim or eclipse.

What do you think? Would others like to use this as well?

best Max


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