I've been using Windows 10 since august or so, with Mixxx 1.12 and now 2.0.
This was an upgrade from Windows 7 on an old laptop. Soundcard worked fine
from day 1.

I bought in december a controller with soundcard that had published windows
10 drivers for it, and has been working fine as well.

IIRC, I was using WASAPI or Kernel streaming with the internal soundcard
(also tried ASIO4ALL which worked fine as well) and ASIO with the
controller's soundcard.

I think that Kernel streaming could be a good default for Windows (at least
better than ASIO). Buffer size should be at 20 ms or so, in that case.

As for other audio problems with Windows 10, I believe that some might also
come from the M4A (soundsourcemediafoundation) component. I have not been
able to debug it yet (the process is *really* slow on this computer so I
left out the idea).

_ _ /~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-\
o o | Josep Mª [JAZ]                 |
 º  | Messenger: jaze...@hotmail.com |
`-´ | Gtalk: jose...@gmail.com       |
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