1) Will users be able to configure the library to look exactly like it does
now? I mean, single list with the complete tree on the left.

My concern is: As far as I can understand, the only way to drag a song to a
playlist will be with two opened panes, because the playlist tree will only
be shown with the playlist pane open. Isn't it?

2016-06-03 16:43 GMT+02:00 Joan Marcè i Igual <j.marce.ig...@gmail.com>:

> I'd like to push back on this a little bit just to see whether it can be
>> made more general.
>> Why hard-code any orientations into this? And why 2 panes instead of N?
> Yes it will be N panes (maybe it's not well explained) but for simplicity
> I only created the examples with 2 pane. There will be only 2 panes for
> each feature (left and right pane) but there can be up to N right pane
> containers.
>> What if a skin author wanted a "top" and "bottom" frame? Or 3 frames? Or
>> only 1 frame?
>>  Although it has the names left pane and right pane it has nothing to do
> with orientation, there will be the skin elements *LibraryLeftPane *and
> *LibraryRightPane* that can be declared anywhere, and the
> *LibraryRightPane* can be declared N times to allow the skin designer to
> have as many right panes as he/she wants.
>> Maybe instead of coding specific orientations, we just keep a list of
>> available panes and then the logic for considering which pane to load a
>> library feature's view into can consider the least recently used pane (or
>> whatever the scheme is for loading views to panes)?
>> BTW, maybe I missed it -- but how will the user choose which pane to load
>> a sidebar item into? Is it automatic or a specific choice by the user (i.e.
>> dragging an item from the sidebar into a pane).
>> Is automatic, when the user has a pane container focused and clicks to
> load a feature in the button bar the feature is loaded in the current
> focused pane container. With this it should be very evident to the user
> which is the current focused pane to avoid confusion. Even so I like the
> dragging idea and if there's enough time I'll add it.
> Could you add some actual skin XML examples for various configurations?
>> i.e. maybe an example of how to skin each of your example mock ups and then
>> an example of how to do a completely different mockup (i.e. with the
>> sidebar on the top?).
> I'll add it as soon as possible
>> In the updated diagram, it looks like LibraryPaneManager creates two
>> WLibrarys -- but in the skin logic, there is no way to constrain the skin
>> author on how many WLibrary widgets to create -- so I'm just curious how
>> that would look in skin.xml such that you can still style/position each
>> widget individually, etc. Does LibraryPaneManager get access to WLibrary
>> through a bindWidget process similar to how the Library class does today?
>> (Is LibraryPaneManager in the "frontend" or the "backend" under this
>> design?)
>> It is the *LegacySkinParser* the one who creates the two *WLibrarys and 
>> *there
> will be two different *WLibrarys* for each *LibraryPaneManager.*  One
> will be the right pane and the other for the left. Every
> *LibraryPaneManager* will always have this two widgets but the *WLibrary* 
> dedicated
> to the left pane of every *LibraryPaneManager* will be put in one stacked
> widget with the other left widgets of other *LibraryPaneManagers* so,
> when a user focuses one pane it's easy to show the left pane of the focused
> right pane container.
> And with this the LibraryPane is a very frontend element. However, it
> relies absolutely on the LibraryFeature interface that does all the backend
> tasks.
> I will be waiting for your answer,
> Joan
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