On 08/03/2016 06:15 AM, Gerion Entrup wrote:
> I kindly want to ask, when and whether you plan to make a new release? I see 
> a lot of ongoing development. Before 2.0 I have used the master branch a long 
> time but would prefer using a release. In my opinion even bugfix releases 
> without much improvements are quite nice.

We actually planned to do one just a few months after 2.0.0 was released
but our build server died. We've been preparing a replacement but life
and work commitments have not allowed us to spend as much time on it as
we need to.

The current status:
- Ubuntu builder is operational.
- Windows builder is functional for 64-bit builds but they're not
reliable yet. (Currently the test fixtures won't run because
mixxx-test.exe can't find a DLL that is present on the system.) More
time is needed to test, debug and fix the environment. It's also
awaiting larger disks for space to create the 32-bit build environment
which will itself likely need some tweaking.
- OSX builder is operational but requires a permanent home with specific
hardware requirements. (It's been down for a few weeks now.) The server
Renegade Tech is using needs more testing to see if it can run the
image. (Initial tests were not successful.)

Only when we can build reliably on all five platform and architecture
combinations can we do another release.

Thank you everyone for your continued interest and patience!

Sean M. Pappalardo
"D.J. Pegasus"
Mixxx Developer - Controller Specialist

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