Hey everyone.

DJ Barney on the forums contacted me with the following project he's
working on and would like to know if any Mixxxers are interested in
helping. Contact him in one of the forum threads he's linked below if so!

Sean M. Pappalardo
"D.J. Pegasus"
Mixxx Developer - Controller Specialist

--- Original message follows ---

A Linux Musicians forum member suggested I contact you to see if you are
interested in my project, here:

Creating DJ Turntable effects in Blender Game Engine using physics of
platter rotation:

Main WIP thread:

I believe I have cracked an important problem when it comes to
reproducing dynamically turntablism effects in real time using the
physics simulation in Blender Game Engine to model the physics of the
rotating deck platter. I've needed this because I only have one real
record deck at the moment. Of course this will be useful anyway for
digital tracks when no timecode vinyl is available (and possibly other
uses). I'm having some trouble writing the Python code as I'm not that
familiar with Python. But have the pitch control working using Audaspace
now. It does not play backwards yet and I need to add some of the
Blender friction physics simulations to make the brake sound right.

It's a project in itself which you may be interested in, but if it can
help Mixxx in any way then that would be great.


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