On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 4:07 AM, Be <b...@gmx.com> wrote:

> Hi Harry,
> We typically keep discussion about code on GitHub pull requests and use
> the mailing list for broader discussions that don't specifically reference
> code.

Ah makes sense - apologies for the spam in that case, and thanks for
letting me know :)

 Cheers, -Harry

> On 07/09/2017 01:59 PM, Harry van Haaren wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> The topic for this thread* is to discuss the current design of Ctlra
>> integration as per the PR on
>> github, and to discuss concrete next-steps to work towards a POC that
>> enables users to script
>> or map in some way the Ctlra events to the Mixxx ControlProxy objects.
>> The PR is here, and a youtube video explains the current state:
>> https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx/pull/1308
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNC4r7-TB0Y
>> Thanks for looking, and as always if you're interested, please do post!
>> -Harry
>> * The topic for the other thread is much wider, I'd like to keep scope
>> small and concrete here if possible.
> <snip>


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