I cannot reproduce the failing test locally using the latest 2.1 branch.

On 12/24/2017 10:46 AM, Be wrote:
Windows and macOS are still failing with the same errors with the current code. Ubuntu is failing because of a test I thought I already fixed, but I'll look into that again...

On 12/22/2017 02:45 PM, Sébastien BLAISOT wrote:

ok, sorry. I understand now.

on the other hand, why trying to correct build error of 1-year-old code ? wouldn't it be better to merge first, then try to build ?


Le 22/12/2017 à 21:35, Be a écrit :
That's the Jenkins build for the master branch, not 2.1. The 2.1 branch has not had updates from master in almost a year.

On 12/22/2017 02:33 PM, Sébastien BLAISOT wrote:

this seems to be related to the jenkins error to me: https://builds.renegadetech.mixxx.org/job/master-release/architecture=amd64,platform=windows/514/console

src\engine\ratecontrol.cpp(26): error C3431: 'RampMode': a scoped enumeration cannot be redeclared as an unscoped enumeration
scons: *** [win64_build\engine\ratecontrol.obj] Error 2
scons: building terminated because of errors.
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
[WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Recording test results
ERROR: Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: No test report files were found. Configuration error?
SSH: Current build result is [FAILURE], not going to run.
Finished: FAILURE

Le 22/12/2017 à 21:29, Be a écrit :
That is unrelated to the Jenkins error. I already opened a PR to fix the AppVeyor error: https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx/pull/1437

On 12/22/2017 02:27 PM, Sébastien BLAISOT wrote:

windows error is here:

[00:09:48] [CXX] src\engine\ratecontrol.cpp
[00:09:48] ratecontrol.cpp
[00:09:49] src\engine\ratecontrol.cpp(26): error C3431: 'RampMode': a scoped enumeration cannot be redeclared as an unscoped enumeration
[00:09:49] scons: *** [win64_build\engine\ratecontrol.obj] Error 2
[00:09:49] scons: building terminated because of errors.



Le 22/12/2017 à 21:16, Be a écrit :
2.1 branch build is failing on Jenkins for Windows and macOS.

Windows build shows:
Checking for C library vamp-sdk... no
WE ARE IN: E:\Jenkins\workspace\2.1-release\architecture\i386\platform\windows\win32_build
Building  2.1  - rev. 6261

scons: warning: Two different environments were specified for target E:\Jenkins\workspace\2.1-release\architecture\i386\platform\windows\lib\soundtouch-1.9.2\AAFilter.obj,     but they appear to have the same action: ${TEMPFILE("$SHCXX $_MSVC_OUTPUT_FLAG /c $CHANGED_SOURCES $SHCXXFLAGS $SHCCFLAGS $_CCCOMCOM","$SHCXXCOMSTR")} File "E:\Jenkins\workspace\2.1-release\architecture\i386\platform\windows\src\SConscript", line 69, in <module>
File "E:\Jenkins\workspace\2.1-release\architecture\i386\platform\windows\src\SConscript", line 69, in <module>
error: bogus escape: '\\2':

macOS build shows:
scons: *** [osx64_build/Mixxx.app] Exception : error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/otool: can't open file: osx64_build/Mixxx (No such file or directory)

Ubuntu builds are currently running.

On 12/22/2017 01:44 PM, Be wrote:
Things that must be done for the 2.1 beta release:
   * Merge the master Git branch to the 2.1 branch
   * Create a folder on http://downloads.mixxx.org/ to upload 2.1 beta builds    * Check that Jenkins is building the 2.1 branch and uploading builds to downloads.mixxx.org    * Post the release announcement from https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx/pull/1422 to the blog with attention to formatting and hyperlinks    * Update https://mixxx.org/download/ with links to the beta builds

I have access to do none of these.

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