Hi -

        Saw the posting earlier today (oops - it's after midnight now ;))
        about fitting (S)VHS onto a DVD and having space problems.

        I (just) finished the 2nd encoding run of the day - a bit longer
        than expected since both tapes were in the 90 minute range.

        A 92 minute movie (164514 frames) from VHS ("Cry of the Banshee" - 
        1970 Vincent Price movie, not one of his best ones but "ok") ended up 
        looking like this:

-rw-r--r--  1 sms  staff  19806724800 Dec 20 23:13 cotb.dv

        the raw DV file obviously ;)

        after 9h15m of encoding time using this pipeline:

smil2yuv -a $N.wav ../$N.smil | \
     y4mshift -n 6 | \
     yuvdenoise -S 0 -r 16 -t 5 -l 3 -b 14,4,692,468 | \
     yuvscaler -M BICUBIC -I USE_704x476+8+0 -O SIZE_704x480 | \
     bfr -b 10m | \
     mpeg2enc -M 2 -f 8 -q $Q -4 2 -2 1 -N -o $N.m2v

        the resulting .m2v file looks like this:

-rw-r--r--  1 sms  staff  2164256895 Dec 23 00:05 cotb.m2v

        audio (224kb/s mp2) adds:

-rw-r--r--  1 sms  staff   153701185 Dec 23 00:09 cotb.mp2

        With overhead that's just a touch over 1/2 full.

        Black out the garbage and using yuvdenoise does wonders ;)

        Steven Schultz

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