
>               Based on the past couple days of encoding the one knob I really
>               really want to tweak is the selecting blurring one - high motion
>               scenes could do with a bit of selective blurring...

> Is that something any of the current tools does in any sense
> (selective or not)?

        Yes, I think a number of folks have mentioned that the yuvmedianfilter
        tends to over-soften the picture if the luma component is processed.

        Most of the filters I'm aware of are from the NetPBM suite and really
        want to work with RGB data instead of YUV.   A long time ago I did
        some experimentation with converting the data to PPM, processing the
        data and then converting back to YUV.   Looked nice but it was quite

        mpeg2enc does emit information that perhaps could be used in a 2 pass
        method.   One could take the lines of the form:

   INFO: [mpeg2enc] Frame end 40348     19.19 1487017.09 6.0 243910.37

        and construct a processing list for the second pass.  On the second
        encoding run a filter could read the list and only soften/blur the
        frames that exceed whatever threshold is specified.

        Perhaps someone could write a blur (Gaussian comes to mind) routines 
        that works on the 4:2:0 data so that conversions to/from PPM/RGB 
        aren't needed.

> I really just wanted to make it an optional argument to --reduce-hf,
> but I'll be damned if I could get getopt to see the optional argument.

        Hmmm, yeah - optional arguments might take some extra coding.

>       If 384 was the default before then perhaps 512 is a bit limiting -
>       you're already most of the way to the limit.   What do your tests
>       show - any difference between 384 (the default) and 512 ( the new

> I'm not sure now why I put a limit on at all.  That's not like me.


> Very fine detail does slowly disappear, and the noise jumps about a little.
> I probably couldn't see any of it on a tv.

        Perhaps it might show up if you knew exactly where and where to look
        and had a nice HD LCD display.

> Someone earlier said that they got heavy edge ringing.  They might try
> using a value of 128 or 256 and see if the ringing is reduced.

        It'd be interesting to hear the results of that if someone performs
        the experiment.

        Steven Schultz

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