It went from 6 hours encoding a 2 hour movie to 24 hours (total time includes filters, 
which I did not change filters between tests).  top shows mpeg2enc using 99% of the 
CPU (which I would expect).  I don't see any dip in CPU usage so I don't believe I'm 
seeing a stall but am willing to try.

-- Ray

On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 22:23:03 -0700 (PDT)
"Steven M. Schultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 24 Aug 2003, Ray Cole wrote:
> > I downloaded the source and built it.  It seems to run about 4x slower
> >  than 1.6.1.  Any ideas?
>       Get a new watch? ;-)    With out some numbers I find it very
>       difficult to believe "4x slower".   
>       For full sized DVD frames around 5 to 6  frames/sec or so is
>       normal  with ~2.4GHz systems.   Of course the time will depend on
>       if you're using any of the filtering programs such as yuvdenoise.
>       With a dual cpu system the filters will use up one cpu while the
>       encoder uses the other (and a bit more since it's threaded).
>       That would mean you were seeing 20 frames/sec with 1.6.1?   I
>       seriously doubt that - I'd like faster encoding but mpeg2enc
>       has never gotten up to that range on 720x480 or 720x756(PAL)
>       sized data.
>       A couple things to make sure are being used are "-M 2" with the
>       encoder, and put a buffering stage in front of the encoder.  I
>       use the 'bfr' program
>       something like " ... | bfr -10m | mpeg2enc ..." is the typical
>       usage.   If the encoder is stalling for input due to latency in
>       earlier stages of the pipeline then 'bfr' will be of good value.
>       Some timings of the same pipeline would be helpful of course ;)
>       Cheers,
>       Steven Schultz
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