On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Michael Hanke wrote:


> >     In utils/cpu_accel.c you should see the function bufalloc() which
> >     is where the malloc error is coming from.   The only thing I can
> >     think of to try is add a "fprintf(stderr, "size = %d\n", size);"

> I did it. The request size is moderate: 450560. So need to have a closer look 

        Quite reasonable size so there must be something else causing
        malloc() to return NULL.

> at the problem. For tracing down memory allocations, is it possible to link 
> against dmalloc or ElectricFence? Will this have an effect on posix_memalign?

        It should be possible.   The easiest way to do that I think is
        edit the generated Makefile to add the necessary libraries.

> Another possibility: With reference to 
> http://sources.redhat.com/ml/bug-glibc/2002-09/msg00037.html,
> http://sources.redhat.com/ml/bug-glibc/2002-06/msg00202.html
> maybe there is a bug in glibc??
> Did you use posix_memalign in version 1.6.1?

        Use of posix_memalign is a recent addition to mjpegtools and was
        not used in earlier versions of mjpegtools.

        Ah, it could well be a glibc bug.   What happens if you change
        posix_memalign to simply be malloc()?  If that works then that would
        be evidence of a glibc bug.

> > >  | y4mscaler -I active=692x564+8+4 -S option=cubicCR -O preset=svcd |
> >
> All input dimensions are a multiple of 4! The cause of the problem is probably

        And so they are - my mentall 'bc' had a fault that night ;)

        Steven Schultz

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