Steven M. Schultz:

 the encoded frame size of a standard SVCD is 480x480.   Legal sizes for
 DVDs are 720x480, 704x480, 352x480 MPEG-2, and 352x240 MPEG-1

 I'd recommend scaling down from 480x480 to 352x480 rather than up to

 I think I got it right - SVCDs have a SAR of 15:11 but the 1/2 DVD size
 would have a SAR of 20:11.

Going from SVCD to CVD/Half-D1 is like going from DV to CVD/Half-D1 (VCD is similar horizontally).


For example:

PAL SVCD source to CVD/Half-D1 target:

PAL_SVCD_sampling_matrix (width x height) = 480x576
PAL_SVCD_actual_active_picture_size       = 468x576
PAL_SVCD_pixel_aspect_ratio               = (4:3):(468:576) = 128:78

PAL_CVD_sampling_matrix (width x height)  = 352x576
PAL_CVD_actual_active_picture_size        = 351x576
PAL_CVD_aspect_ratio                      = (4:3):(351:576) = 256:117

= target_active_picture_height : source_active_picture_height
= 576:576 = 1

= (source_aspect_ratio) : (destination_aspect_ratio)
  x vertical_conversion_factor
= (128:78) : (256:117) x 1 = 3:4

= horizontal_conversion_factor x source_sampling_matrix_width
= (3:4) x 480 = 360

= vertical_conversion_factor x source_sampling_matrix_height
= 1 x 576

The source image must be resampled to 360x576. However, the original target resolution was 352x576. Now we need to crop the 360x576 image with 4 pixels from both sides so that the frame width will become 352 pixels (frame height stays at 576 pixels).


NTSC SVCD source to CVD/Half-D1 target:

NTSC_SVCD_sampling_matrix (width x height) = 480x480
NTSC_SVCD_actual_active_picture_size       = 474x486
NTSC_SVCD_pixel_aspect_ratio               = (4:3):(474:486) = 108:79

NTSC_CVD_sampling_matrix (width x height)  = 352x480
NTSC_CVD_actual_active_picture_size        = 355.5x486
NTSC_CVD_aspect_ratio                      = (4:3):(355.5:486) = 144:79

= target_active_picture_height : source_active_picture_height
= 486:486 = 1:1

= (source_aspect_ratio) : (destination_aspect_ratio)
  x vertical_conversion_factor
= (108:79) : (144:79) x 1 = 3:4

= horizontal_conversion_factor x source_sampling_matrix_width
= (3:4) x 480 = 360

= vertical_conversion_factor x source_sampling_matrix_height
= (1:1) x 480 = 480

The source image must be resampled to 360x480. However, the original target resolution was 352x480. Now we need to crop the 360x480 image with 4 pixels from both sides so that the frame width will become 352 pixels (frame height stays at 480 pixels).

Matti Haveri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>

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