
I have created a menu-video for a dvd.
It is only four seconds long, so when I use dvd options to loop it, the
menu resets every four seconds, not enough to navigate.

So I want to loop it before authoring it. Ten times should be enough.
What I do now is something like that:

cat audio.m2a >> audio2.m2a ; cat audio.m2a >> audio2.m2a
mv audio2.m2a audio.m2a
cat video.m2v >> video2.m2v ; cat video.m2v >> video2.m2v
mv video2.m2v video.m2v
mplex -f 8 audio.m2a video.m2v -o output.mpg

The problem is that mplex now wants to split the output file at the end
of every part I joined.

Can I prevent this somehow?
Is there an other, easier way to create a loop?


Lehmeier Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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