
>   I am trying to make a VCD from a DV tape I recorded from TV using a
>   Sony DCR-PC104E.  I'm in PAL country :).  I'm using kino to grab the
>   movie, and I save it as a DV type 2 .avi file.  When I view this
>   file using xine, it looks ok.
>   When I use the following pipe, I get monochrome green output, with
>   lots of encoding artifacts:
> lav2yuv input.avi | yuvplay
>   I am on a testing/unstable Debian system, and I compiled mjpegtools
>   myself using mjpegtools- from the sourceforge
>   files section.
>   Based on some of the older messages in the archive it seems that
>   other people have had similar problems.  Back then one of the
>   recommendations was to use --with-dv-yv12 when configuring:
> ./configure --with-dv-yv12
>   Unfortunately this seems to have had no effect, the output of
>   yuvplay is still green.
>   Any other ideas?
Have you tried the smilutils (found on: http://kino.schirmacher.de/) 
The can convert the DV file to yuv format the mjpegtools can handle.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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