On Mon, 26 Jan 2004, E.Chalaron wrote:

> I have burnt a couple of DVDs with various audio bitrates (96,128,224) in mp2.
> Some are misbehaving, jumping frames and so.

        But not all are misbehaving?

> -b 8000 is used with -f 8 for the video, along with -V for mplex
> -r 48000 as sampling freq.
> Funny enough the 96 is misbehaving more than the others. 

        That sounds as if they're all misbehaving - just some more so than
        others ;(

> However I just bought some -R 4x (Verbatim), and was wondering how reliable 

        Good brand - I've used it but Memorex or Fuji seems to be on sale 
        at lower prices more often so I've been using those brands more.

> it is to burn @ 4X as well ? (Pioneer 105)

        I have not encountered problems at 4X (with a Sony 500 or 510) but I
        have seen mention of using 2X for more reliable results (more well
        formed marks/pits).   The other caution I have seen is that high bit
        rates on recordable media may encounter difficulty with some players

        How close to the maximum rate limit are the streams you've encoded?
        7500 or less should not have any problem at all - the only mention of
        potential problems has been with 8000 and higher rates.

        It is quite puzzling that the audio rate would have an effect (unless
        the audio stream were somehow corrupt).

        Do software players, such as Ogle, have any difficulty playing the
        DVDs on a computer?  

> Just that I do not want to toss my pile of DVDs into tests....   

        That's what rewriteable media is for :-)

        Steven Schultz

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