On Sat, 6 Aug 2005, Gernot Ziegler wrote:

> since C routines always are the common denominator for porting to new
> platforms, I doubt that any of the developers will abandon these fallback
> routines altogether. That leads me to the statement that any
> compilation problems with the C only code must be a bug and was not
> intended :-)

        True for mjpegtools itself.  However, one thing that is worth keeping
        in mind is that some of the dependencies (libdv, libquicktime, etc)
        may NOT be as friendly to non-MMX (i.e. ancient ;)) systems.

        If someone wants to encode video at a several-seconds/frame rate (as 
        compared to several-frames/sec) that's entirely their business 
        (patience is a virtue I'm told :-)).   My threshold of pain is around
        1.5 frames/second - below that I'll begin dropping filters from the
        pipeline to speed things up.

        No plans at all to remove the C code - it's not just a fallback but
        also serves as a "reference" to compare the output of the SIMD routines
        against.  In fact considerable work was done a while back to allow
        the easy runtime switching (via an environment variable) of the SIMD
        routines On/Off.

        Steven Schultz

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