
> I am having a problem with mplex for a certain hardware DVD Player (Philips
> DVD707):
Normaly those players work without causing troubles.

> I put the SVCD in the player and it starts playing, but video and audio are
> I think it is something related to the beginning of the mplexed stream because
> if I jump to a chapter it also gets in sync.
Which version of the mjpegtools do you use ?

> Script used to generate t.mpv:
> smil2yuv t.avi | yuvscaler -v 0 -n n -O SVCD -M BICUBIC | mpeg2enc -H -V 46 -v
> 0 -n n -I 1 -a 2 -b 1897 -f 5 -q 4 -4 1 -2 1 -r 32 -g 6 -G 18 -S 900 -B 260
> -K tmpgenc -o t.mpv
Can you encode the video once without using -r -g/-G -V And sees if it
works than ?

Why do you want to make a non standart SVCD (-f 5) ?
Does it work if you use -f 4 (Standard SVCD) ?

> Script used to generate t.mpg in mplex:
> mplex -f 5 -V -S 900 -o t.mpg t.mpv t.mp2
When you use a non standart maximal bitrate you should add the correct
bitrate when you multiplex the stream afterwards. By default it uses a
higher bitrate than you have allowed (-b 1897) !

> Authoring was done with chapters in VCDEasy v.1.1.4 in Win98, SVCD format.
Why don't you use vcdimager ?

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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