
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 08:52:03AM +0100, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> I was going by the docs on http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/page/tile-splitter  
> which suggest "The default [for max-nodes] is fairly conservative, I  
> think you could increase it quite a lot". Clearly not by 50% though. ;)

Yes that seemed to be true at the time.  It all depends on the number of
those nodes that are going to be displayed and the ratio of nodes to ways.

To remain even slightly accurate across all parts of the world as more
gets added to OSM it will probably have to look at the tags and the style
to approximate better how much space will be needed.

> What that does mean is that I'll need to write a relation splitter, as  
> the whole reason I'm doing this is to show cycle routes, and two of them 
> have bitten the dust (too many tiles) even on the default split. I 
> presume there isn't one already out there?

When I get the time (which should be next week) I will re-write splitter
to remove the limitation of 4 tiles per relation or way.
And try to improve the size estimate too.


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