Mark Burton schreef:
> OK - I have looked at your example and can confirm there is a problem
> in that mapsource doesn't display the region near the tile boundary,
> it has a gap of 200m or so. Don't know whether this is just mapsource being
> it's usual crap self, or the problem also exists on the gps.
> It will route through the tunnel (as the attached picture shows) but

Yes, I noticed that - but could not reproduce it yesterday. Please
notice however, that the route you found has both starting points at the
lower map. That may or may not have anything to do with it. Your picture
also shows that the upper map vanishes (which you confirmed already).

> Now, this may be because mapsource thinks that using the tunnel and
> then looping back to the S again is not a good route so it decides
> you're better off going to the E. If that's the case, I don't think
> there is anything we can do about it.

If you could recheck with a map without the split, you'll see that
routing through the tunnel is no problem at all. Just download some
surroundings of the tunnel and build a map to try it.

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