Yeah, merging roads if possible would be great. Even more important
would however be smoothing of curves. i.e. make serpentine corners on
mountain streets more smooth, because otherwise if there is a say 160°
corner, it will add a big time penalty, which in a car is more or less
correct, but on a bicycle overrated.

However, how do you want to do the merging without loosing attributes
(i.e. roadname changes, bridge, etc..), I think this could only work
by running after the main processing, and merging everything identical
if possible.

Otherwise before merging there needs to be a check whether there is
not a rule in the style-file that would change either the name of the
road OR the type (0x??) of a road. If both not changed then merge it.

Nice to see some work on it.

On 25/07/2009, Thilo Hannemann <> wrote:
> Hi Johann,
> Am 25.07.2009 um 10:54 schrieb Johann Gail:
>> A further development would be, to consider only nodes which are
>> visible
>> crossings at the current zoom level. I.e. if a residential connects
>> to a
>> big road and the residential is not visible at the current zoom level,
>> then it is allowed to zap this node. This would straighten out lines
>> at
>> low zooms much more. But at the DP filter code I don't have this
>> information available.
> Yes, that would be the best way. But one would need to change a lot of
> the underlying code to make it happen, as currently only the number of
> highways that use a node is stored, but no reference to which highways
> that are. Changing this would be a major act unfortunately.
> About the error distance: What I still experience is that the lower
> resolutions look bad in the maps. It seems that the ways get too much
> simplified for lower resolutions. It seems almost like a scaling
> problem with respect to the resolution. I reduced the error distance
> to 1/8th of the resolution and that brought some improvement in the
> higher resolutions (20, 22). But if I look at the lower resolutions
> (down to 12) it gets worse and worse. Looking at the DP code I can't
> find any hint why that should happen, so it might happen somewhere
> else? I have no clue.
>> Btw.: there is another patch around, which merges lines before DP
>> filtering them. This is reasonable for the highways at very low zoom
>> levels, which could be simplified often to a sinlge line in the
>> overview
>> maps. (But only if they are not cut in segments from exit to exit).
>> If I find some time I will release an updated patch for it.
> this is very interesting. I was planning to implement something likes
> this for some time, but didn't get around to do it. But not so much
> for display, but for routing. I think the routing could be much
> improved if we would merge ways, especially for bicycle routing, where
> the cycleways consist of tiny bits here and there. The routing
> algorithm in the Garmin units then won't find a nice route, because it
> gives up trying to wiggle its way through the short bits. Instead it
> takes a long way that goes into the general direction of the
> destination. Which often happens to be a major road that you don't
> really want to use while cycling. The cycleway going alongside it
> isn't used, because the routing algorithm doesn't find it.
> So if you have that patch available please post it. Even if it doesn't
> work against the current trunk I'll happily try to make it work.
> Regards
> Thilo
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