On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 5:37 PM,
Elrond<elrond+openstreetmap....@samba-tng.org> wrote:

> "incorrect" is probably too hard (except for the very
> special case, where I needed the better rounding).
> "suboptimal" would be a better term.

Hi Elrond,

I tested your patch, and could see differences in the map. However, I
could not really determine which would be more 'optimal'. I'll just
take your word for that. ;-) (I tested on Roadtrip for the Mac, so
behaviour may differ in Mapsource or in a GPS unit.)

I have noted no additional difficulties with the patch. Everything
seems to work fine so far, both in Roadtrip and on my eTrex.

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