Hi Felix,
> I just tried out this patch on Italy from geofabrik (on trunk plus 
> wanmil's mp patch v3) and it was the first time for me that I got a 
> correct sea generation (using 
> --generate-sea=polygons,no-sea-sectors,extend-sea-sectors),
> (well the sea was empty so I had to color 0x4b blue in my style-file, 
> but land was correct, however that is a problem still related to 
> wanmil's mp patch v3.)
> I then tried it on Denmark (which previous to this patch posed problems) 
> and it was working mint too.

That's good.

BTW, does mapsource for you draw lines at the tile boundaries which get
covered up by the land/sea polygons? I'm getting them now but I haven't
a clue where they are coming from.

Also, I posted a little patch the other day that frigged the overview
map rounding so that it makes mapsource mouse popup balloons right up
to either side of the tile boundaries (without the patch, it only pops
up a balloon on one side of the boundary). Do you see that problem on
your maps?

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