Is there a switch to enable?

If not am I right in assuming the most useful command would look like
java -ea -jar mkgmap.jar --index --location-autofill=1 --description=bla 
--country-name=%country% --mapname=%FID%0000 --family-id=%FID% 
--product-id=1 --series-name=bla --family-name=bla 
--overview-mapname=mapset --area-name=bla %FID%*.img

Using .img tiles as input instead of using osm?

The problem that I see is that if we resuse the .img, then we will end 
up with the double lines. Now that we have a overview map (they can have 
up to 3 levels I think) would be to have:

24,22,20,18,16 as default levels in the img. and 16/14/12/11/10 (unsure 
if we can input data into 10) as default levels for the overview map. I 
think that overview map and normal map .img should only overlap with 
empty maplevel. (Garmin uses 17/15/13/12/11/10 in their overview maps as 
default levels on City Navigator -- however 12/11/10 all being empty). 
On some Topo maps, there are however levels which really overlap 
(meaning objects in both basemap and normal .img inside the same resolution)

An alternative to that would be, if mkgmap could simply delete the 
reused levels of the overview map in each .img map (and then of course 
create new mdr/tdb/....)
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