Le 15/08/2010 15:38, Johann Gail a écrit :
>> I use to map specialy hiking trails. I do not know if it's possible to
>> use routing thru trails and paths across mountains.
>> Francois
> In general it should be possible to route about trails and paths. For
> this you have to define the correct access rights for this ways in the
> types file. But I'm no expert at this.

I'm not an expert at all :-) but a newbie.
I want to make maps to help people mostly seniors and who are not sport
addict to walk thru middle high mountains.
I would like the routing to work that way, but I don't know if it's
possible :

Three different routes : path, track and route.

Preference goes for paths, then tracks and routes if nothing else is
useable (because route is not my favorite).

Path is my best choice, if there is no subtag to "path" or if the subtag
"sac_scale" is setted to "hiking", and if the distance is less than
another route thru a track.
If the distance is less using a track, then I use the track.
If a track has a subtag "sac_scale", it must be the same rules than above.

If a path has a subtag "sac_scale" different than "hiking", don't route
thru it. Same for a track of course.

If it's not possible to route using a path or a track, then we have to
use routes, but unclassified, and tertiary ones, would be the only ones
to use.

I read openstreetmap wiki mkgmap/routing and maybe my problems could be
because a track is setted to type 0x0a and path to type 0x16 in my style
and TYP files. Maybe I should assign different type to the paths and
tracks depending on their subtags. But how to prefer a path to a track,
and a track to a route, I don't know if it's possible.


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