Hi Steve,

On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 10:39:27PM +0000, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
>I've built a complete splitter distribution from the pbf branch and put 
>it at http://files.mkgmap.org.uk/download/6/splitter-r161.zip

Thanks, this cuts my splitting time to about half.

>It includes everything you need.

Everything except the .svn directories. Could you add the jar files to 
the splitter repository, or are there some license considerations?

How hard would it to be to make splitter output the data in osm.pbf 
format instead of osm.gz?

By the way, I figured out that by carefully adjusting the tile borders, 
it is not necessary to filter the input (move the coastline endpoints).  
This approach also creates less "imaginary sea" around the map tiles.  
Polygon-shaped tiles would solve this problem in an even more elegant 

Best regards,

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