My 2 cents (sorry, I cannot invest much time in this very important 

On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:42:28PM +0100, WanMil wrote:
>> Just found at 
>> "Note: Always use UPPER CASE for defining Country, Region, City etc 
>> because many Garmin devices can only allow users to text in alphabets 
>> in Upper Case."
>> Maybe you should modify your patch to only allow upper case letters.
>> Regards,
>> Johann
>That might be a good hint but I think Steve already does this in the 
>MDR creation process?!

Right, by default mkgmap should convert names to upper case, because old 
devices (such as my Edge 705) display lower-case letters as ? in the 
vector font (road names).

>The patch must allow lower case letters. Otherwise all highway=primary 
>will become highway=PRIMARY and all styles are no longer working...

If I were you, I would leave the OSM reader alone and instead
double-check that all names, labels, identifiers and such will be 
encoded properly in the Garmin domain. Everything should go through the 
code-page translation (UTF-8 to the selected code page). Tweak the 
translation code so that it maps everything to A-Z. Yes, zap even 
spaces, numbers and punctuation, as we do not know the collation rules 
(is it numbers before or after letters; are spaces or punctuation 
ignored in the collation, etc). We can probably assume that A<B<C<...<Z.

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