Am 03.02.2011 12:51, schrieb Ben Konrath:
> On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Torsten Leistikow<>  wrote:
>> Moin,
>> Henning Scholland schrieb am 31.01.2011 21:41:
>>> Why you
>>> would like to have a POI for an object taged as node and not for a
>>> similar POI taged as polygon?
>> In OSM some objets can be mapped in OSM as a node or as an area, depending on
>> the availability of the source data. If they are mapped as a node, I want 
>> them
>> to be displayed as a symbol in my map. If they are mapped as an area, I want
>> them to be displayed as a polygon. With the pois-to-area function the latter
>> ones are displayed in a map twice, as a polygon AND as a symbol.
> That's a bug. If I recall correctly, the POI should only be added if
> there's no POI with the same name already in the polygon. I should
> really fix this. Thanks for pointing it out
No, this is a error in osm-data. One object should only taged once. So 
if you tag this information to a node, you shouldn't tag same info to 
the polygon. If add-pois-to-area creates an POI, there shouldn't be any 
node in OSM-data. If there is already a node and so there are two 
symbols in the map, it's not an mkgmap-bug.


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