El 12/02/11 23:54, Clinton Gladstone escribió:
> On Feb 12, 2011, at 17:52, Carlos Dávila wrote:
>> Conversion to gmap format in both cases:
>> python gmapi-builder.py -t osmmap.tdb -b osmmap.img -s typ/SPAIN-14.TYP
>> 5514*.img osmmap.img
> Try the attached file. I quickly hacked it up to support latin-1 encoding for 
> names.
> Also, if you are using the --index option in mkgmap, remember to include the 
> index files in gmapi-builder. Example:
> $ gmapi-builder.py -t 14000000.tdb -b 14000000.img -s 14.TYP -i 14000000.mdx 
> -m 14000000_mdr.img *.img
Thank you for the file, which works fine converting. I have not tested 
resulting maps though, because I don't have a Mac. In case any user of 
my maps report any problem I'll tell you.
Thank you also for the tips about index. I had not seen any comment 
about -i and -m parameters on the wiki [1] neither on 
gmapi--builder_README.txt. According to [1] the version from [2] is 
supposed to be newer than the one from [3], but the later includes 
support for index whereas the former doesn't. Should I change it on the 

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gmapibuilder#Commandline_version
[2] http://bitbucket.org/berteun/gmapibuilder/downloads/gmapi-builder.tar.gz
[3] http://svn.mkgmap.org.uk/mkgmap/trunk/scripts/gmapi-builder.py
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