Am 01.03.2011 21:38, schrieb Nakor:
> Hello,
> I have a tile with no coastline that shows up inundated. How can this
> be? How can I fix it?
> The tile is split us_midwest from geofabrick with:
> 41000062: 2183168,239616 to 2215936,280576
> #       : 46.845703,5.141602 to 47.548828,6.020508
Are you sure, that there is no natural=coastline inside the tile. 
Sometimes someone taggs a lake or somthing like that as 
natural=coastline, which may cause your error.

If possible, you could unzip your 416000062.osm.gz and open osm-file in 
josm, and filter every object without natural=coastline. Then you can 
search the fault.


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