Nakor <> wrote:

>    Hello,
>I built a map using us_midwest extract from Geofabrik and have 5 
>countries listed in the country list on my Etrex Vista:
>United States
>Country seems to be when there is no info and I am fine with that. US
>OK but I do not understand the other three. Below are example of cities
>that show up under those countries:
>Israel: Abbells Corners, Wis.  
>Mongolia: Basswood Grove, Minn.  
>Ukraine: Ackworth, Iowa 
>Why does it happen?
>   Thanks,
>mkgmap-dev mailing list

Thanks for the very specific examples, it should be easy to track down from 

I'm on a train at the moment, but my initial guess is that regionOffset in 
LocatorConfig should be set. But there must be more to it than that.

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