On 26/04/2011 21:00, Dominik Röttsches wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a merged map using osmosis:
> $ ./osmosis --rb finland.osm.pbf --rb germany.osm.pbf --rb us-west.osm.pbf 
> --merge --merge --wx DE_FI_USW.osm
> which results in an uncompressed XML output map DE_FI_USW.osm of ~36G in size.
> So this maps contains three different countries which do not necessarily have 
> any overlap or connections, and bounding rectangles far apart from each other.
> Now I try to create one single gmapsup.img out of it using the tile splitter 
> and mkgmap:
> $ java -Xmx5000M -jar ../splitter.jar --mapid=63240345 --max-nodes=1000000 
> ../DE_FI_USW.osm
> after this step I get a list of tiles which is suspiciously small, about 165M.
> $ java -Xmx4000M -jar ../../mkgmap.jar --max-jobs 
> --style-file=../../aiostyles/basemap_style/ --description='DeFiUs' 
> --country-name=world --country-abbr=W --family-id=4 --product-id=45 
> --series-name='basemap' --family-name=OSM --area-name=W --latin1 
> --mapname=63240345 --draw-priority=10 --add-pois-to-areas 
> --make-all-cycleways --link-pois-to-ways --remove-short-arcs --net --route 
> --gmapsupp ../*.osm.gz ../../aiostyles/basemap.TYP
> When I install the map, I only get map data for Finland, nothing shown for 
> Germany nor US West.
> So looks like the tile splitter took into account only the first part of the 
> merged .osm map.
> Am I doing something wrong here? Or is this an incompatibility or a possible 
> problem with the tile splitter?
Would you use to use the --mixed option to splitter or does osmosis 
automatically sort files when it merges them?
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