
> Done. Its at:

I think "locator + city-region-index branches (2)" is a milestone!
This is a strong "+1" from my side to commit the changes as soon as 
possible and try to base a stable mkgmap release v1.0(?) on this version.

For a long time ever I was able to load a 4 GB map witout problems to a 
GPS. The map included cyrillic language tiles and tiles that were 
mutually "incompatible" before due to index problems.
Also no more MDR_TRIM problems ... ;-)

My current findings on the search address funtion so far. I'm using an 
"old" GPSmap 62 CSx.

-- the region field is not available, only fields for
    housenumber, street and city

-- only a combination of housenumber and street can be found;
    housenumber doesn't matter
   (i'm not using locator-branch special rules)

-- the found location is slightly offset from the
    real course of the street displayed on the GPS

-- searching for streetnames, GPSmap 62XSx lists only streets
    up to ca. 40-50 km around the current location. This is
    different from Mapsource, which lists all streets it finds.

-- some streets appear multiple times in search list (2-3x);
    this has different reasons, e.g.:

    - entry 1+2: each entry leads to the same three streets
                 equally named in three different cities some kms apart

                 The behaviour that one entry leads to three
                 different streets is OK for the current state,
                 and subject to optimisation in the locator branch.

                 The fact that the same entry is doubled in the search
                 index needs to be investigated further.

    - entry 3: this is a separate entry and possibly has to do
               with a street tagged as cycleway=track and the
               --make-all-cycleways option. I think this option creates
                some problems when creating indices.

                I need to investigate the unwanted side effects of this
                option on the index further.

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