Am 12.09.2011 23:31, schrieb Steve Ratcliffe:
> On 12/09/11 13:01, Henning Scholland wrote:
>> No guesses what could cause the following error? Would it help to upload
>> the img-files?
>> Am 08.09.2011 10:14, schrieb Henning Scholland:
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index:
>>> 44120, Size: 361
>>>             at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source)
>>>             at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
>>>             at
> That error means that mkgmap cannot understand the format of the input
> .img file. So probably it was written incorrectly, assuming it was
> created by mkgmap itself.
> So it would probably help to identify the particular file that causes
> the error and upload it and if possible, the .osm file it was created
> from.
> ..Steve
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your hint. I figured out that tile number 26 causes the error 
(from Lübeck to north end of Sylt). If you would like to take a deeper 
look in the data you can find the splitted pbf and the resulting img 

If I generate the index without tile 26 everything is as fine as normal.

Source of the data is a planet-file updated 2011-09-12T20\:00\:00Z.

If you need further information let me know.



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