On 31/12/15 17:34, Gerd Petermann wrote:
when mkgmap prints the options it uses the file that is in the jar. You
are right,

the options.txt file that is included in the zip seems to be out-aged.

I guess this is a problem in the build scripts.

It is the doc/options.txt file that is used for the distribution and
for the website documentation at


There is a script (scripts/options_to_doc.py) that converts the
unstructured resources/help/en/options file to mediawiki the format
that is found in the 'doc' directory.  The script isn't good enough to
run automatically and so I have to fix it up by hand.

This isn't very good.

So I shall modify the mkdoc script to use the actual 'options' file
for the distribution.

I have already updated the doc/options.txt file for the website.

I have made a few minor formatting changes to the options file too.

I'll check all that in and it should build with an up to date options
help from now on. It may take a couple of attempts...

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