
as promised here the outcome from the (hopefully) proper testing...

Tests performed with maps created on Windows:

 * licence-file option: Check in Basecamp (Windows):
   now ok if I build cp1252 or unicode map, thumbs up !
 * lower-case option:
   if this option is set then I get proper capital and lower-case
   letters in shown license, if not set the it shows all capital
   letters... I haven't found any other differences in the map,
   Basecamp shows proper names on map.
 * copyright-file option: Check in BaseCamp (Windows):
   still shows scrambled characters in unicode map but also still ok in
   cp1252 maps

Additional tests performed with map created on Linux and final gmap checked on BaseCamp (Windows):

 * created unicode map and cp1252 map
 * on cp1252 map: both copyright-file and license-file output looks
   good (as expected)
 * on unicode map: consistent behaviour as on windows: license-file
   output correct, copyright-file output scrambled

That leaves up two things/questions:

 * I think copyright-file needs to be fixed also as this is the only
   one being displayed on the GPS Device, correct ?
 * question: the description of the option --lower-case says that lower
   case characters aren't displayed properly on most devices. On mine
   (etrex30, oregon 450t, monterra) I couldn't find any difference in
   the map, this option seems to affect only license and copyright
   files ? Do I miss something ? Is it dangerous to set this option for
   having a nice license as I might loose support for some devices ?



On 03.12.2016 22:51, Patrik Brunner wrote:
great news.

Just a very quick feedback without having done much testing... I've just exchanged mkgmap.jar and built a unicode and a cp1252 map. If I didn't mess anything up on my end I would guess:

  * it looks like you found the correct hook
  * when building unicode map either copyright-file or license-file
    result is now correct (which one will show further testing
    tomorrow, assuming license-file), the other one ist still 'screwed
    up' (allthough I'm not sure if I really have to/want to set both)
  * non-unicode map (cp1252) still seems to build fine
    (license/copyright wise)
  * One thing to mention which caught my attention: it looks like I
    now have only capital letters when checking with BaseCamp...
    before I had also lower case letters (at least in one of the two
    options copyright-file and license-file).... needs more
    investigations from my end also.....

I'll do proper testing (hopefully) tomorrow and will let you know the outcome. I've to check the result also on the Garmin Devices directly ( hopefully the result is still the same as before...

Thanks again.


On 03.12.2016 21:07, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
Hi Patrik

where you able to investigate some more ? Is there another build I
can/have to try it with ?

As it happens I just discovered something today. There is no encoding done for the copyright info before the TRE section data.

Patch attached to fix this and pre-made jar file at:


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