Hi all,

I've noticed that the hook does a few things which are probably not (or no 
longer) needed:
1) It checks if a way without tags is member of a relation, because the rules 
in relation may add tags to this way.
This was okay when the hook was added to the source, but the hook is now 
executed after 
those rules were executed, so that check is not needed.
2) It doesn't remove nodes outside of the tile bbox when such a node has tags 
keys that are used by the POI generator (--pois-to-areas-placement)
I've changed the code so that it checks for the combination of tag key and 
value, not only for the key.
3) The check if a way is outside of the tile bbox did not work for ways which 
have a bbox that intersects with the tile bbox
while the way itself neither crosses the bbox nor contains it (e.g. a large 

If I hear no complains I'll commit this patch on thursday. 


Attachment: unused.patch
Description: unused.patch

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