Hi Gerd

It's not the name of the map feature that I'm talking about; rather the
string representation of the type which my device displays, along with
the name, when the map feature is selected.

So, for instance, I'd like to use one of the other the Park
representations, say 0x20, for leisure=garden. In the TYP file I'd like
to set the String for this type, but don't want to override the colour
/ bitmap or whatever representation.

Concerning the background polygon, I want to set it's area to bigger
than the sea area, where the default is set in SeaGenerator.java with
the comment:

 * When order-by-decreasing-area we need all bit of sea to be output
 * Unless _draworder changes things, having seaSize as BIG causes
polygons beyond the
 * coastline to be shown. To hide these and have the sea show up to the
 * coastline, can set this to be very small instead (or use
 * <p>
 * mkgmap:drawLevel can be used to override this value in the style -
the default style has:
 * natural=sea { add mkgmap:skipSizeFilter=true; set mkgmap:drawLevel=2
} [0x32 resolution 10]
 * which is equivalent to Long.MAX_VALUE-2.
private static final long seaSize = Long.MAX_VALUE-2; // sea is BIG

I don't think having method just used by addBackground adds anything to
clarity. I could put a constant with MAX_VALUE-1 and comment into
MapperBasedMapDataSource instead if you'd prefer


On Tue, 2018-11-06 at 00:16 -0600, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> Ticker Berkin wrote
> > Does anyone know if it would be possible to change mkgmap to allow 
> > this? 
> Not sure if this is what you want, did you try default_name?
> See e.g.
> amenity=emergency_phone [0x2f12 resolution 24 default_name 'Emergency
> Phone']
> I don't understand the comment in the patch:
>               background.setFullArea(Long.MAX_VALUE-1); // cf:
> SeaGenerator.java:
> seaSize 
> Wouldn't it be better to have a method named something like
> setAreaSizeToMax() ?
> Gerd
> --
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