Machine Learning List: Vol. 17, No. 2
                        Wednesday, April 20, 2005

  Calls for Papers/Participation
    ACL 2005 Workshop on Feature Engineering
    ACL 2005 Workshop on Empirical Modeling
    Special issue on Statistical and Probabilistic Methods
    ECML PKDD 05: Call For Papers
    IEEE ICDM'05
    IJCAI Workshop
    Workshop on Verification, Validation, Certification
    AIRWeb '05: Call for Participation
    NIPS 2005 Call for Papers
    Workshop on Autonomous Robots
    Extended deadline: PMHLA
  Career Opportunities
    Open University Position in Austria
    Two PhD positions on machine learning for bioinformatics
    Postdoctoral positions

The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning. Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

To keep mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief.
For meeting announcements, do highlight the meeting Web site and the
goals of the event but omit information such as the program committee
and talk schedules. Also, only first calls for papers/participation
and brief change of deadline announcements will be included. The ML
List moderator reserves the right to omit/edit submissions to meet
these criteria.


From: Eric Ringger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ACL 2005 Workshop on Feature Engineering
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 20:31:05 -0800

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

              Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
                   in Natural Language Processing

                 Workshop at the Annual Meeting of
      the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL 2005)

              ** Submission Deadline: April 20, 2005 **
                         Ann Arbor, Michigan
                            June 29, 2005

As experience with machine learning for solving natural language
processing tasks accumulates in the field, practitioners are finding
that feature engineering is as critical as the choice of machine
learning algorithm, if not more so. Feature design, feature selection,
and feature impact (through ablation studies and the like) significantly 
affect the performance of systems and deserve greater attention. In
the wake of the shift away from knowledge engineering and of the
successes of data-driven and statistical methods, researchers in the
field are likely to make further progress by incorporating additional,
sometimes familiar, sources of knowledge as features.  Although some
experience in the area of feature engineering is to be found in the
theoretical machine learning community, the particular demands of
natural language processing leave much to be discovered.

This workshop aims to bring together practitioners of natural language
processing, machine learning, information extraction, speech processing, 
and related fields with the intention of sharing experimental evidence
for successful approaches to feature engineering, including feature
design and feature selection.  We welcome papers that address these
goals.  We also seek to distill best practices and to discover new
sources of knowledge and features previously untapped.

Submitted papers should be prepared in PDF format (all fonts included)
or Microsoft Word .doc format and not longer than 8 pages following
the ACL style. More detailed information about the submission format 
can be found at:

- Paper submission deadline:        April 20, 2005; Noon, PST (GMT-8)
- Notification of acceptance:       May 10, 2005
- Submission of camera-ready copy:  May 17, 2005
- Workshop:                         June 29, 2005

Chair and contact person:

  Eric Ringger
  Microsoft Research
  One Microsoft Way
  Redmond, WA 98052  USA
  ringger AT microsoft DOT com


From: Chris Brockett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ACL 2005 Workshop on Empirical Modeling
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 17:31:29 -0800


Empirical Modeling of Semantic Equivalence and Entailment

Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the 
Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL 2005)

Ann Arbor, Michigan
June 30, 2005

Our aim is to bring together people working on empirical,
application-independent approaches to the practical problems of
semantic inference. We welcome papers describing original work on
computational approaches to modeling the problems of semantic
equivalence and entailment.


Paper submission deadline: April 20, 2005
Camera ready copy: May 20, 2005
Workshop date: June 30, 2005


Two data sets are being released in conjunction with this workshop, in
order to stimulate submissions and thinking around this topic. While
we hope that these will be useful for training, evaluation, and
analysis, authors are invited to use whatever resources/approaches 
are at their disposal.

The Pascal Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge Corpus: 1K
sentence pairs that have been human-annotated with directional
entailments ( -- 
The Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus: 5801 likely sentential
paraphrase pairs gathered automatically from topically clustered news
articles. Multiple human raters examined each pair, classifying more
than 3900 as close enough in meaning to be considered equivalent
( This is the 
first time this corpus has been made available.

For questions and comments, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


From: Ingrid Zukerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Special issue on Statistical and Probabilistic Methods
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 17:46:56 +1100

        **** NOTE: Submission Deadline is Oct. 31, 2005 ****

                           CALL FOR PAPERS
                          Special Issue on
       Statistical and Probabilistic Methods for User Modeling

             User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction:
               The Journal of Personalization Research

The growth in popularity of on-line resources highlights the importance 
of developing machinery to access these resources. At the same time,
the access to these resources by large numbers of users provides
opportunities for collecting and leveraging vast amounts of data 
about user activity. In the last decade, there have been significant
developments in probabilistic, data-intensive technologies for
accessing information in on-line resources. The field of user modeling
has also been part of this trend, with the development of statistical
models of the behaviour, capabilities and preferences of users and
groups of users.

This special issue of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction will
explore recent developments in different aspects of statistical and
probabilistic techniques for user modeling.

Submissions should follow the UMUAI submission instructions which are
obtainable from the Web site ( Electronic
submissions are preferred. Each submission should note that it is
intended for the Special Issue on Statistical and Probabilistic
Methods for User Modeling. UMUAI is an archival journal that publishes
mature and substantiated research results on the (dynamic) adaptation
of computer systems to their human users, and the role that a model 
of the system about the user plays in this context. Many articles in
UMUAI are quite comprehensive and describe the results of several
years of work. Consequently, UMUAI gives "unlimited" space to authors
(so long as what they write is important).

Potential authors are asked to notify the guest editors (David
Albrecht email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], and Ingrid Zukerman, email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) as soon as possible of their intent to
submit an article. Sometime thereafter (but preferably a month prior
to the submission deadline), they should submit a tentative title and
short abstract (which can be altered for the actual submission) to
assist in the formation of a panel of appropriate reviewers.

    Notification of Intent to Submit: as soon as possible
    Deadline Date for Submissions: October 31, 2005


Subject: ECML PKDD 05: Call For Papers
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 15:34:56 -0000

Call for Papers

Porto, Portugal, October 3-7, 2005

The 16th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) and the 9th
European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery
in Databases (PKDD) will be co-located in Porto, Portugal, October 3-7, 
2005. The combined event will comprise presentations of contributed
papers and invited speakers, a wide program of workshops and tutorials, 
a demo session, and a discovery challenge.

Important dates

- Submission deadline: May 16, 2005
- Notification of acceptance: July 11, 2005
- Camera-ready copies due: July 25, 2005
- Conferences: October 3 to October 7, 2005

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the ability
to extract useful patterns from large amounts of data stored in
databases, data warehouses or other information repositories. KDD is 
a combination of many research areas: databases, statistics, machine
learning, automated scientific discovery, artificial intelligence,
visualization, and high performance computing. KDD focuses on the
value added by the creative combination of the contributing areas.

The European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge
Discovery in Databases intends to provide an international forum for 
the discussion of the latest high quality research results in KDD and
is the major European scientific event in the field.


From: Niels Peek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IDAMAP-2005
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 17:49:14 +0100

First Call for Papers

IDAMAP 2005: Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology

Sunday, July 24, 2005

A one-day workshop during the 10th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine 2005 (AIME 05) in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK


IDAMAP-2005, a one day Workshop on intelligent data analysis in
medicine and pharmacology, will be held at King's College Conference
Centre in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, during the AIME 2005 Conference.
This is the tenth IDAMAP Workshop: the former ones were held in
Budapest in 1996, Nagoya in 1997, Brighton in 1998, Washington DC in
1999, Berlin in 2000, London in 2001, Lyon in 2002, Cyprus in 2003,
and Stanford in 2004.

The IDAMAP workshop series is devoted to computational methods for
data analysis in medicine, biology and pharmacology that present
results of analysis in the form communicable to domain experts and
that somehow exploit expert knowledge of the problem domain. Such
knowledge may be available at different stages of the data-analysis
and model-building process. Typical methods include data mining,
temporal abstraction, machine learning, and data visualization.

Gathering in an informal setting, workshop participants will have 
the opportunity to meet and discuss selected technical topics in an
atmosphere which fosters active exchange of ideas among researchers 
and practitioners. The workshop is intended to be a genuinely
interactive event and not a mini-conference, thus ample time will 
be allotted for general discussion.


In the workshop the attention will be given to methodological issues
of intelligent data analysis and on specific applications in medicine,
biomedicine and pharmacology. We also invite papers on data analysis
tools. Such papers can overview a particular tool and describe why and
how this could be suitable for intelligent data analysis in medicine
and other application areas that are a subject of the IDAMAP workshop. 
Preferably, the papers on data analysis tools would also describe a
case study where the tool was used.

The submissions should be received no later than April 24, 2005. 
Additional formatting instructions and instructions for authors are 
available on Workshop's home page at


Participants of the workshop are not obliged to register for the AIME
conference. However, non-AIME participants will be charged a higher
fee than AIME-participants. Details on payment and registration will
be announced later this spring and will be posted on the workshop's
web page, ( and the AIME 05 website


Subject: IEEE ICDM'05
Date: 11 Mar 2005 20:51:42 +0900

 Call for Papers

 ICDM '05: The 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining

 Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
 27-30 November 2005

The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining provides a
premier forum for the dissemination of innovative, practical
development experiences as well as original research results in data
mining, spanning applications, algorithms, software and systems. The
conference draws researchers and application developers from a wide
range of data mining related areas such as statistics, machine
learning, pattern recognition, databases and data warehousing, data
visualization, knowledge-based systems and high performance
computing. By promoting high quality and novel research findings, and
innovative solutions to challenging data mining problems, the
conference seeks to continuously advance the state of the art in data
mining. As an important part of the conference, the workshops program
will focus on new research challenges and initiatives, and the
tutorials program will cover emerging data mining technologies and the
latest developments in data mining.

High quality papers in all data mining areas are solicited. Original
papers exploring new directions will receive especially careful and
supportive reviews. Papers that have already been accepted or are
currently under review at other conferences or journals will not be
considered for publication at ICDM '05.

Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 8 pages in the
IEEE 2-column format (see the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings
Author Guidelines at,
and will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of
technical quality, relevance to data mining, originality, significance, 
and clarity. Please use the Submission Form on the ICDM '05 website to 
submit your paper. Accepted papers will be published in the conference 
proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

A selected number of IEEE ICDM '05 accepted papers will be invited
for possible inclusion, in an expanded and revised form, in the
Knowledge and Information Systems journal (
published by Springer-Verlag.

Important Dates

    June 15, 2005  Paper submissions, Tutorial/Workshop/Panel proposals
  August 20, 2005  Paper acceptance notices
September 7, 2005  Final camera-ready papers due

All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Detailed
instructions are provided on the conference home page. 


From: Ivan Garibay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 17:10:49 -0500

           Workshop Announcement and Call for Papers

                       Second Workshop on
               Building complexity from simplicity

                    to be held as part of the
               June 25-29, 2005 (Saturday-Wednesday)
                    Loew's L'Enfant Plaza Hotel
                        Washington, DC, USA

The success of evolutionary algorithms on a wide range of otherwise
intractable problems has promoted its use. As these methods are applied 
to increasingly difficult problems that require increasingly complex
solutions, they face a number of problems: premature convergence to
suboptimal solutions, stagnation of search in large search spaces,
negative epistatic effects, disruption of large building blocks, and
scalability, among others. Nature evolves instructions in the form of
genes that are used to specify the construction of organisms using 
a highly non-linear process: development. Self-organization is
fundamental to the developmental process at all levels: molecular,
genetic, and cellular. This workshop will focus on domain-independent
methods for representing complex solutions with self-organizable
building blocks, and on developmental principles for specifying the
construction of complex systems. We welcome submissions from computer
science and engineering, as well as from biologists on relevant 
topics that may help shed light on self-organizing principles for
evolutionary computation.

Important Dates:

Papers Due: April 14, 2005 (April 27 for one-page position statements)
Acceptance notices: April 24, 2005
Camera Ready: April 27, 2005

Attendance: Open to all GECCO 2005 attendees


Subject: IJCAI Workshop
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 12:43:25 -0500

Multi-Agent Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems

IJCAI-2005 Workshop Sunday 31 July, 2005

Providing effective access to on-line information is a problem that
brings together many Artificial Intelligence topics: knowledge
representation, natural language, user modelling and machine learning,
as well as distributed computing, Human-Computer Interaction and
databases. Over the last few years, artificial intelligence techniques
have provided substantial progress toward solving the problems of
information access through the following three domains: models and
techniques for multi-agents systems, information retrieval and
recommender systems.

Special consideration will be given to contributions aimed at
incorporating multiple models and techniques. We are particularly
interested in multi-agent systems dedicated to information retrieval
and recommender systems. Application areas include, but are not
limited to: e-Commerce, e-Learning, Intelligent Tutoring Systems,
Design, Resource Planning, User interfaces, Web information retrieval,
Web services

Important Dates and Deadlines

Submission deadline: April 10, 2005
Notification: May 5
Camera-ready copy due: May 22
Workshop date: Sunday July 31, 2005

For questions and suggestions, please contact Esma Aimeur
Phone: +1 (514) 343-6794
Fax: +1 (514) 343-5834


From: Johann Schumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Workshop on Verification, Validation, Certification
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 17:11:42 -0800

                       CALL FOR PAPERS

                          Workshop on
          Verification, Validation and Certification of
       Neuro-Adaptive Controllers in Safety-Related Areas

                      in conjunction with 
         International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
                        Montreal, Canada
                        August 5th, 2005

Important Dates
     Submission of paper/abstract:    4/27/2005
     Notification of acceptance:      5/4/2005
     Camera-ready copy:               5/15/2005
     Workshop:                        8/5/2005

Over the recent years, artificial Neural Networks have found their 
way into various safety-related and safety-critical areas, like
transportation, avionics, environmental monitoring and control, and
medical applications. Quite often, these applications (using NN
techniques ranging from classification to monitoring and control)
proved to be highly successful, leading from a pure research prototype
into a serious experimental system (e.g., a neural network controller
flown on a manned aircraft) or a commercial product.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers and users
of learning and adaptive systems and control systems in order to
create a forum for discussing recent advances in verification,
validation, and testing of learning systems, to understand better the
practical requirements for developing and deploying neuro-adaptive,
and to inspire research on new methods and techniques for
verification, validation, and testing.


From: Brian Davison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AIRWeb '05: Call for Participation
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 16:47:39 -0500 (EST)

Call for Participation

AIRWeb '05

First International Workshop on
Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web

10 May 2005 - Chiba, Japan
at the 14th International World Wide Web Conference

Search is the single most common application used on the Web. The
attraction of hundreds of millions of searches per day provides
significant incentive to content providers to do whatever necessary to
rank highly in search engine results. The use of techniques that push
rankings higher than they belong is often called spamming a search
engine (or spamdexing). Such methods typically include textual as well
as link-based techniques. Like e-mail spam, search engine spam is a
form of adversarial information retrieval; the conflicting goals of
accurate results of search providers and high positioning by content
providers provides an interesting and real-world environment to study
techniques in optimization, obfuscation, and reverse engineering, in
addition to the application of information retrieval and

The workshop solicited technical papers on any aspect of adversarial
information retrieval on the Web.  Submissions were reviewed by search
experts and accepted papers (listed below) cover a variety of topics,
including web spam, blog spam, cloaking, redirection, link
optimization for PageRank, automated link spam detection, link bombs,
reverse engineering of ranking algorithms, and propaganda.


From: Marina Meila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NIPS 2005 Call for Papers
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 17:37:33 -0800 (PST)

CALL FOR PAPERS:  Neural Information Processing Systems - NIPS 2005
December 5-8 Vancouver, BC

Deadline for Paper Submissions:  June 3, 2005

Submissions are solicited for the Nineteenth Annual meeting of an
interdisciplinary Conference which brings together researchers
interested in all aspects of neural and statistical processing and
computation. The Conference will include invited talks as well as oral
and poster presentations of refereed papers. It is single track and
highly selective. Preceeding the main Conference will be one day of
Tutorials (December 5), and following it will be two days of workshops
at Whistler/Blackcomb ski resort (December 9-10).

For full information please refer to the NIPS website


From: DaeEun Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Workshop on Autonomous Robots
Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 18:37:30 +0200

Call for Papers:

Workshop on Memory and Learning Mechanisms in Autonomous Robots
co-located with ECAL 2005 (European Conf. on Artificial Life)

The aim of this workshop is to explore how to process memory for
complex robotic tasks and how to represent/encode plasticity in robot
controllers.  The study of memory structure and the development of new
learning algorithms to model neuronal plasticity are a central
challenge for adaptive behaviour research. The workshop aims to bring
together researchers interested in these topics to discuss new ideas
and alternative solutions which might open up yet unexplored research
lines. We encourage the submission of work which propose provocative
new ideas, discuss controversial aspects on memory and learning
mechanisms for autonomous adaptive agents.

Important Dates

 Submission deadline: 15th May,  2005
 Notification date: 15th June, 2005
 Final date for camera-ready copies: 22nd, June, 2005


From: Aris Xanthos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Extended deadline: PMHLA
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 00:46:14 +0200

            *** Final Call for Papers ***

Psychocomputational Models of Human Language Acquisition

Workshop at ACL 2005

29-30 June 2005 at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

The workshop, which follows the successful meeting at COLING 2004, 
will be devoted to psychologically motivated computational models of
language acquisition -- models that are compatible with, or motivated
by research in psycholinguistics, developmental psychology with
particular emphasis on the acquisition of syntax, though work on the
acquisition of morphology, phonology and other levels of linguistic
description is also welcome. The workshop will take place in parallel
with CoNLL-2005 ( and we expect
there to be sufficient interest for a plenary session of papers that
are relevant to both audiences.

Important Dates

Extended deadline for paper submission: April 11, 2005
Notification of acceptance: May 5, 2005
Deadline for camera-ready papers: May 17, 2005
Conference: June 29-30, 2005


From: Gerhard Widmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Open University Position in Austria
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 11:20:07 +0200



Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, headed by Prof. Gerhard
Widmer, has an open position for a full-time assistant professor
at the post-doctoral level, with a contract limited to 4-6 years.


- a doctorate in computer science or a related field

- research experience in one or several of the following areas:
  Artificial/Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning,
  Sensor Data Interpretation and Signal Analysis,
  Intelligent Audio/Music/Video/Image Processing,
  Intelligent Data Analysis, Time Series Processing Pattern Recognition

The candidate is expected to build up his/her own research program, to
be active in the acquisition of research funding, and to contribute to
the department's teaching and administration.

Fluency in German is not a prerequisite, though a passive command of
the German language would be beneficial. Excellent English is required. 
Teaching can be done in English for the first one or two years.


Prof. Gerhard Widmer
Tel.: +43 - 732 - 2468 1510

Women are particularly encouraged to apply and will be given priority
in case of equal qualification.

The OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT (in German) can be found at .


Please send your application with relevant documents (CV, picture,
publications list / sample publications, academic documents) to:

  Personalabteilung der Zentralen Dienste der Universite Linz
  A-4040 Linz/Auhof

and refer to "Anzeigennummer 1148" (ID of this announcement) in your
cover letter. The application can be written in English.


From: Paolo Frasconi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Two PhD positions on machine learning for bioinformatics
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 10:17:04 +0200

Two 3 years Ph.D. fellowships supported by the European Commission 
are available starting on January 2006 with the Machine learning and
Neural Networks group at the Universit degli Studi di Firenze under
the supervision of Prof. Paolo Frasconi.

Applications should include a CV, a one-page statement of research
interests and motivations for pursuing Ph.D. studies, and contact
information (including email addresses) for at least two references.

Please send your application by email if possible to bioptrain AT dsi
DOT unifi DOT it (using PDF or plain text for your attachments) of by
surface mail to:

Prof. Paolo Frasconi
Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, Universite di Firenze
Via di Santa Marta 3
50139 Firenze, Italy

The deadline for applications is August 1st 2005.

Further details about BIOPTRAIN on


From: William Noble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Postdoctoral positions
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:42:21 -0800

Three Postdoctoral Positions in
Machine Learning and Computational Biology

Department of Genome Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle

Three postdoctoral research fellowships are available in the research
group of William Stafford Noble in the Department of Genome Sciences
at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA.  The ideal candidate
will have a Ph.D. in computer science or a biological science, and
will have considerable research experience in machine learning or
computational biology.

The group's research focuses on the development of machine learning
techniques for application to molecular biology and genetics. Research 
areas include the prediction of gene function from heterogeneous 
data, prediction of protein-protein interactions, prediction of gene
structures from genomic DNA, recognition of remote evolutionary
relationships among proteins, and the discovery and analysis of
transcriptional elements in non-coding DNA.  More information is
available at Start dates are flexible.

The Department of Genome Sciences was founded in September 2001 as the
fusion of the Departments of Genetics and Molecular Biotechnology.
Research in the department addresses questions in biology and medicine
by developing and applying genetic, genomic and computational
approaches that take advantage of genomic information.  Eight faculty
are members of the National Academy of Sciences, including 2001 Nobel
Prize winner Dr. Lee Hartwell.  The department welcomed a new chair,
Dr. Bob Waterston, in January 2003.  In April 2006, the department
will move to a new building.

The University of Washington is building a culturally diverse research
community and strongly encourages applications from female and minority 
candidates. The University of Washington is an Equal Opportunity,
Affirmative Action employer.

Please send a CV, summary of scientific interests, and names of at
least three references to Linda Loveless ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).


End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 17, No. 2

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