----- Forwarded message from Matteo Meucci <matteo.meucci(at)owasp.org> -----

Buona sera,
ecco a voi il Call For Paper del prossimo OWASP Day che si terrà a
Cagliari il prossimo 20 Ottobre 2017.

L'obiettivo è quello di realizzare una conferenza che parli delle
nuove iniziative di Software Security e delle ultime ricerce nel campo
della AppSec.


                    OWASP-Italy Day Cagliari
                        20th October 2017


Following on from the great successes of last OWASP Days, the new
conference will take place next 20th October 2017 at the University of

Organization and goals:

* The event will show several points of discussion: we will present
the state of the art of the Secure Software Initiatives and technical
speeches about the new researches in Application Security.
* We will organize a round table regarding women in Application Security.
* As conclusion of the day, we organize a round table discussing the
most interesting subjects came out during the event.
* Conference goal is creating a debate on which will be the evolution
of the research for the Web Application Security, and how to start a
secure software initiative.

Call For Paper:

OWASP solicits contributions on the above topics, or general matters
of interest to the community. Those who are interested in
participating as speakers to the conference can submit an abstract of
the speech to the OWASP-Italy Board by email at:
owasp-italy <at> owasp.org.
The email subject must be “OWASP Day 2017: CFP” and  the email body must
contains the following information/sections:

* Name and Surname
* Email address
* Telephone number
* Company name and role
* Short biography(max 100 words)
* List of the author’s previous papers/articles/speeches on the same topics
* Title of the contribution
* Type of contribution: Technical or Informative
* Abstract (max one A4 style page)
* Why the contribution is relevant for OWASP-Italy Day

The submission will be reviewed by the OWASP-Italy Board and the 8-9
most interesting ones will be selected and invited for presentation

Important dates:

* Contributions submission deadline:                    5th August 2017

* Communication of acceptance for contributions:        30th August 2017

Additional information:
* Conference website:
* OWASP Speaker Agreement: http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Speaker_Agreement
* About OWASP: http://www.owasp.org/ || http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Italy


-- Matteo Meucci OWASP-Italy Chair http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Italy

----- End forwarded message -----
http://www.sikurezza.org - Italian Security Mailing List

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