Hello there,
I am a final year Software Engineering student at National University of
Science and Technology, Islamabad.
For the past year, I have been working as a Research Assistant at TUKL Lab
- SEECS, NUST on various projects related to Deep Learning, Computer Vision
and Image Processing.

Under the supervision of Dr. Faisal Shafait, a reputable professor and a
researcher in the field of Computer Vision and Machine learning, I am
working on Real Time Vehicle Detection and Recognition as my Senior Year
Project. Up till now, I have implemented YOLO detector, SSD and Segnet for
segmentation and have achieved an accuracy of 89% using YOLO and 67% using
SSD in real time.
Currently, I am working to combine Segnet for segmenting the vehicles and
feeding them to Detection Net.

I am writing this email to show an interest in the project "Essential Deep
Learning Modules" for Google Summer of Code 2018. I have good expertise and
domain knowledge of Deep Learning Models. It aligns with my research area
and my senior year project. I feel excited about the project and have a
real hope to work on it.
It will greatly help me in my PhD admission and my career, too.

I have a vivid concept about the implementation of the project. I have
worked in Python for implementing Convolution Neural Networks, mostly.
However, I am proficient in C++ too. So, I am confident that I will be able
to complete it in summer.

I would like to have a detail discussion with you on this project.

I also find "Variational Autoencoders" and "String Processing Utilities"
projects, interesting.

Regarding Variational Autoencoders project, I do not have much of the
expertise in generative models but I have used MNIST dataset for learning
generative models.
I have skim through the 'Tutorial on Variational AutoEncoders' paper which
includes the detailed mathematical explanation of the proposed model. My
idea is that this project is research oriented.

Please do let me know, what is expected from me, for the project proposal?
What kind of skills, in particular, do I need to exhibit in my
proposal? Suggestions
regarding how should I proceed with the project or any alternative approach
that you have in mind?

I would really appreciate, if you can help me out.

Thank you.

Hassan Mahmood
Software Engineering
NUST H-12 Islamabad
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