Hey all,
First, I must thank the devs for considering my ideas and suggesting the
feasibility of it. After some careful consideration of GSoC timeline I
propose the following:

Month 1:
a) Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm II (SPEA-II) : One of the core
multiobjective algorithm along with NSGA-II. It will be really nice to
have. I've already begun some work on it. ( 1 month)

b) Fully implementing MOEA/D-DE: For the past week, I've refactored over
60% of the code of MOEA/D-DE, fixing bugs, cleaning APIs etc. It is almost
done, you can track it here <https://github.com/mlpack/ensmallen/pull/269>.
I wish to continue this in GSoC (if its not merged already). (Less than a
week or even Pre-GSOC)

(Approx 2 weeks)
c) Adding test suite for MOO: Any MOO module is incomplete without a test
suite. I propose to add the following:
         i) ZDT : I've already coded it fully and it performs correctly on
trivial cases. Track it here <https://github.com/mlpack/ensmallen/pull/273>
         ii) DLTZ: I haven't started this yet but this would be a nice

d) Miscellanous: Needles to say, I'll be making PR's and fixing bugs which
are related to my main PR.

Potential Mentors: Anyone really :) , I've intentionally kept the scope
short and made it such that I can work 100% indepedently. But it'd be nice
to be able to discuss my ideas (although I'm sure IRC channel will help me
with this with open arms).

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