01.07.11 18:47, Dan Dennedy написав(ла):
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 1:58 AM, Maksym Veremeyenko<ve...@m1stereo.tv>  wrote:
>> 2. Another feature i would prefer to be implemented is auto-deleting
>> played clip, i.e. after clip is played it been deleted in other clips
>> present in a playlist sequence. That could be set by enabling some key
>> value for unit like:
>> USET U0 played_remove=1
>> and clip deleting could be implemented in a part of code after AS-RUN
>> notification appear...
> I assume you mean removing the clip from the playlist instead of
> deleting the file. Most people today periodically call WIPE such as
> when they APND clips every hour or so.
yes. remove clip from playlist after playing that one.

> mlt_playlist has an autoclose property, and I wonder if it will
> already do this with uset u0 autoclose=1:
> http://mltframework.org/doxygen/structmlt__playlist__s.html

     /Set this true if you are doing sequential processing and want to 
automatically close producers as they are finished being used to free 

does it remove a item from playlist?

Maksym Veremeyenko

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