Thanks for the links Dan they are sure to come in useful.  Cross compiling 
seems like the quickest path if I need to modify the existing sources or 


Is there an existing easy path to make changes to existing plugins without 
involving the whole build framework and configure tools in every developer’s 
windows environment?


One can use the cross-compile environment to create a so-called SDK build by 
running the script with the -s option (in addition to -o 
Win32). It creates a zip file that you copy to Windows and extract. At this 
point, one could work on a plugin by simply copying the MLT includes and DLL 
libs into your own project, or make your project build setup reference the ones 
in the extracted SDK. You will need to use a MinGW-based tool chain as I think 
the binaries are incompatible with MSVC. SetupWindowsDev shows how I enhance Qt 
Creator with Git Bash to get a usable command line environment in addition to 
the IDE.


Basically, at this time there is nothing really easy to build everything on 
Windows. Even our cross-compile and Windows build tips for MLT uses some 
pre-built binaries for dependencies. If you can use prebuilt MLT binaries and 
just work on plugins, then it is much easier. I can upload a pre-built SDK if 
you want. After you make a plugin, you must copy it into proper place for MLT 
and (q)melt to find it. You add a deployment step as part of your project's 
build to simplify the dev-test cycle.


Yes, please upload a prebuilt SDK.  Will it include the dependent libraries 
such as qt and ffmpeg?  Can we get a new SDK upload on a continuous basis with 
new releases?


If this feature isn’t available, ideally I would like to modify an existing 
filter to support this.  Given the current difficulty with the build framework 
in windows, first pass I’d like to just create a custom filter which can 
influence something like the watermark’s filter output each frame.  This would 
allow me to easily create a pipeline or xml that can be passed to qmelt.   Is 
there an existing filter service which overlays text that I can influence some 
text property every frame with a custom filter placed before it?  It seems like 
a simple enough use case, but it is unclear to me with the existing doc’s if I 
can influence something like that every single frame with any existing service. 
 Any suggestions?


You can use dynamictext, which prioritizes qtext over pango. It might be as 
simple as adding a property to dynamictext to set the base date/time and a new 
substitution keyword to compute a time based on base time, frame number, and 
frame rate.


I think I will try that approach as part of learning the code base.  However, 
without modifying the current dynamictext implementation, could I create a new 
custom filter plugin inserted prior to dynamictext which can change the text 
dynamictext displays each frame?





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