
Melt is great) I use it for a long time, but all task before was simple.

What I need how:

1. Background video clip (clip2.dv, big buck bunny).
2. Over that clip appear another video clip (clip1.dv, bird head), with
specific region (triangle.png)
3. clip1.dv appear with luma effect, move and rotate with the same time

But in result I have unexpected red background in triangle (but I added
transparent #00ff0000, it should be invisible?) and unexpected cutted
regions in triangle after middle of luma effect (like luma applies again)?
What happens, what I do wrong and how to avoid it? Maybe I should do it
another way?

I spent a lot of time on that problem and can't understand how to solve it.
Debugging melt sources going to take too many time for me :)

I attached mlt file and 3 screenshot links:


Hope for your help, thanks in advance.

Attachment: questinon.mlt
Description: video/mlt-playlist

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