Hi all,

Following Kdenlive's bug report:

I discovered a strange behavior in melt: 
When installing the ladspa autotalent filter ( from debian / ubuntu package 
called "autotalent"), it appears and is usable in Kdenlive.

However when trying to render, melt gives this error:
[producer_xml] failed to load filter "ladspa.4262"

Looking deeper into the issue, I discovered that melt does not list the 
"ladspa.4262" filter when queried using: melt -query filters

But the filter is listed in Kdenlive, which uses Mlt++ bindings to get the 
filter names.

I checked the code querying filters from Melt and could not understand the 
problem. The filter is not blacklisted nor hidden.

In Melt, we do (in melt.c, query_services()) :
services = mlt_repository_filters( repo );
Counting the filters using mlt_properties_count( services ), I get a total 
of 573 filters.

In Kdenlive we do:
Mlt::Properties *filters = repository->filters();
Counting the filters using filters->count(), I get a total of 585 filters.

This is on the same system... so it looks like melt is missing some 
filters... does anybody have a clue about what's going on ?


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