hello everybody.

Is there a way to let melt generate a log file of the operation he is
doing during playback?

melt seems to generate a sub process that outputs info on standard
output, so if i can intercept (bu code) the console output of the
parent, i cannot intercept the stats (position is what i really need)
printed by the second, childish, one.

I figured something like that with ffmpeg i wrote a batch encoder for,
but i solved making ffmpeg generating a stat file, wich i scann to
extract info.

Is there a way to do the same with melt?
Something like:
melt -profile dv_pal -timings -consumer decklink:0
terminate_on_pause=1   Path  -stat_file path_of_the_file

Strange thing is that using the redirect trick in the console:
melt -profile dv_pal -timings -consumer decklink:0
terminate_on_pause=1  Path_of_video &>  user_home/mlt_output.log

is working, but running it in the code, gives me always an empty log file:
"melt -profile dv_pal -timings -consumer decklink:0
terminate_on_pause=1  " & Path & "&> " & User.Home & "/mlt_output.log"


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